Evan Hecox

Hecox is an artist I came across whilst doing my foundation art and design course and he’s recently released a new series of work. There was an interview with him in this months Juxtapoz magazine. One of the reasons I love Hecox’s work is that it doesn’t look digitally over worked, and in the interview he states ‘Everything’s very much hand done.’ I personally prefer work that has been developed/created by hands on methods, i.e not created purely by a computer, I find it has more life and character to it.

This is my favourite quote from the interview: “There is an unintentional kind of poetry in signage.” Could not agree more.

I love the colours and composition of Hecox work. The bold shapes and simplistic detail create such interesting pieces, then combined with strong, yet slightly dulled down tones really makes a beautiful image.

His recent series has included some more typographical pieces, like this one. Again, a great use of composition, shape and colour. At first it just looks like a combination of shapes but actually it’s easily readable passage of text.

I also love the use of vintage newspaper in this series. The juxtaposition of fragile paper with the bold colours and shapes adds an interesting depth to the work.

Check his tumblr here, has some great stuff there and also shares the process of his work.

Nelson Street

A selection of street art from Nelson Street, Bristol…

Welcome to Bristol!

I like the lack of colour in this one for some reason. It makes a contrast to the other more colourful piece along the street.

This piece is by Acerone for Bristols street art festival ‘See No Evil’


Stonewall at Pride London

Stonewall is a large charity based in the UK for LGB rights and equality. They came together due to Section 28 of the Local Government Act, legislation designed to prevent the so-called ‘promotion’ of homosexuality in schools. They are now most recognisable for their ‘SOME PEOPLE ARE GAY. GET OVER IT!’ campaign. The following photos are from Stonewall’s campaign in this years World Pride London. They adapted their GET OVER IT poster for this Pride by using different languages. I found this collection of languages really interesting. Same design, same message, different language.

(For more information on Stonewall and a chance to help fight homophobia visit their website at: www.stonewall.org.uk)